Uncle Tino create tasks!

hello everyone!!

for the past week we’ve been reading cultural books and last week i chose Nian the new year monster that has to do with China , now the book i’m reading is called uncle Tino and it has to do with Samoa. for week 7&8 the WALTs are skim read to find specific information and retell. so obviously this is create task 1, and for create task 1 its the same as last weeks create task 1 which is choose your favorite character and explain why in 2-3 sentences , then we write 5 adjectives about them. if you haven’t read the book Uncle Tino , these are the characters mentioned in the story , Jonas , Uncle Tino , Afa , mom and Jessie , obviously my favorite character is always the main for some reason which is uncle Tino . i will explain in 2 sentences below.


sentence 1/2 : because hes not embarrassed to be Samoan and he’s just very proud.

sentence 2/2 : he’s very talented because he can do fire dancing and can play instruments.

now for the adjectives!

1/5: proud

2/5: talented

3/5: brave

4/5: cool

5/5: friendly

so that’s the end of my first create task!! luckily this didn’t take me to long cause its already Tuesday and its only my first create task!! but anyway onto the second one!! ( right below


hello slayers!!

this is going to be my second create task of week 8!! I’ve finished my first create task about 2 minutes ago so slay!! but anyway the WALT is the same as the blog above so there ain’t nothing to say about the WALT but if you want to be reminded then -here it is: skim read to find specific information to retell. so for create task 2 in week 8 we had to find 2 facts from each sources provided such as scaffolding , complementary and challenge text and sadly the scaffolding text is the same from last week and there actually weren’t many actual facts where they say “oh there are 1,000 aliens in the world” but they instead said “its important to be different”but that’s the closest i could get 🥲 also i don’t really think that’s a fact but ill have to do it . so unfortunately i will do the same scaffolding facts from last time. enough of this enough of that , this is my second create task!!

scaffolding first!

1/2: there are 3,800 different cultures in the world.

2/2: it’s important to be different.

complementary next!!

1/2: Samoan people have a lot of different traditional dances.

2/2: in their dances they usually do a lot of clapping and dancing and some singing

lastly , challenge text!!

1/2: Samoa’s capital city is named Apia and there is about 38,000 people living there.

2/2:  the official languages of Samoa is Samoan and English.

and that’s the end of create task 2!! i must admit this one wasn’t that long but i enjoyed doing it even though it was hard finding different scaffolding facts ( which i didn’t find ) ANYWAY my last create task of the week before fast finishers is right below!


once again , HI! this right here is my last create task which i will explain how i did it and obviously show the end results like i do on every other post that is on reading 😀 also am i supposed to add a tag?? cause Marley told me i had to but she looked sus . but anyway that’s off topic , here is what the third create task is about and how i think you’re supposed to do it!! so this is what the third create task is : its about creating a canva video and reading aloud your create task 1 and writing a summary from 2-3 sentences on the book i read which is Uncle Tino. so here it is!!





Biography on Sabrina Carpenter!

hello guyss!!

for the past like 3 weeks we’ve been focusing on biography’s and i’m pretty slow at writing and typing but FINALLY the biography on Sabrina Carpenter is done!! ( i even did the extra – impact on the world thing 😸 ) i sadly don’t know how to embed from google drawing but i will screen shot my slides !! i spent 1 thousand years looking for enough information so i hope this turned out okay 🙂 . the WALT for the past weeks is : understand what a biography is. So if in case you kind of don’t know what i’m talking about “biography’s” ( but you probably do ) what biography means is your writing information or retelling someone else’s story and stuff , if your trying to make a biography about yourself you call it auto-biography. but anyway after 1 trillion years , i finished my biography which is what matters and now you shall see it!! 😍

here it is!

that’s all!! sorry i know there are literally 12 screenshots and a lot of writing but if you want to read it you should probably zoom in!

fast finishers drawing!

hello people!

I’ve already finished all my create task + fast finishers but in this post I will only be showing you the fast finishers because I’ve already posted all my last create tasks . for fast finishers we had to draw out favorite character , I’m  know I said my favorite character was the crusty old man but he’s hard to draw so I just drew the little girl 🥲 also the reason there are circles on the picture is because on the other side of the paper there was stuff . since this a new post I will put in the WALT we had for the entire week which is : skim read to locate specific information and retell. enough of me typing stuff , here it is!!

I think it might be a bit hard to see cause of the lighting but anyway 🙂

just to say , this might look and be kind of rushed because I kind of spent the entire reading session working on the rest of my create tasks but I managed to finish it!! have a good day  shmookies ( please don’t question the word shmookie 😅 ) ( if your questioning which way she’s looking , I don’t have answers because I copied a drawing of her in the book )

Nian the new year monster all create tasks!!

hello bloggers!!

hi guys! this week I’ve been reading and looking at the journal which has Nian , the new year monster. before anything else the WALT is , skim read to locate specific information to retell . this is my first create task , my first create task was about choosing my favorite character then writing two sentences on why I like this character , after that i had to write 5 adjectives about the character!  and I just finished!! so let me just say all the characters that were mentioned in the book : Nian , Yen , Jun , grandmother and the mysterious old man , if you don’t know , Yen and Jun are the grandchildren. so , my favorite character is the old man , now here are the two sentences on why he’s my favorite :

1/2 : he’s very brave and was kind enough to help the grandmother and the children .

2/2 : he came out of the blue and pulled out some interesting weapons and managed to scare Nian away , so slay! now for the 5 adjectives.

1/5: mysterious

2/5: brave

3/5: smart

4/5: caring

5/5: strange

( Mrs Lee , if you see this – notice I used fractions – basically 😼 )

anyway that’s the end of my first create task!! hope you found it interesting to know my favorite character 🥲 !!



hello guys !! ( again )

I’ve come with my second create task! if you read the create task above this you’d probably know the WALT but just in case , the WALT is : skim read to locate specific information to retell . as I’ve mentioned this is my second create task and the second create task is to write 2 facts from each of the sources on the slideshows , now here is the 2 facts from the sources!!

scaffolding facts:

1/2: there are approximately 3,800 cultures in the world .

2/2:  its important to be different .


complementary facts:

1/2: the lunar new year celebrations lasts 15 days .

2/2: in China , red is the color of happiness .


challenge facts:

1/2: the Lunar new year celebration depends on the position of the moon and the date changed every year .

2/2: each year in the Lunar calendar is named after an animal .




Heyyyyy bloggers!!

what I’m going to show you is my third and last create task before fast finishers! this kind of took me an entire session of reading but I guess it was worth getting done!! but yes, its finally done! and of course , i will explain what the create task is about! so , for the third create task we had to create a Canva and record ourselves saying our create task 1 and a summary on the book we read which I read Nian the New Year monster. but unfortunately , when I recorded the audio for those it didn’t come out as planned so I just had to write what I would have said. but anyway here it is!!


not just kicking and punching! ( facts! ) create task 2


hey guys!!!

for this week I’m still doing the book kicking and punching and while I wasn’t blogging I found some interesting facts and wrote them in my book . for create task 2 ( the one I’m doing ) I had to create a  video in the group thing , it wasn’t very audible but I tried ( have mercy  🥲 ) and in the video I had to say 5 five key facts I wrote down ( I actually didn’t really know what they meant for me to do so have mercy ) but yeah I said 5 facts and I downloaded it so I can insert it into this post . the WALT for this week is summarise  ( in detail ) in my own words . it was kind of hard to find facts but I finally found some off a slay website , I took 1 whole reading session to finish this by the way!! 🙂  as I’ve already said the video is a bit in-audible so I will be writing them down too!! anyway here it is!!🌷

first fact : Jiu-Jitsu was made as a weapon-less defense .

second fact : to get to the black belt in Jiu-Jitsu it takes about 8-13 years.

third fact : there is two very popular reasons for doing Jiu-Jitsu, the first one is for fun or just some exercise and the more popular one is , to for self defense.

fourth fact : many people do Jiu-Jitsu but approximately only 5000 people had black belts.

fifth fact : there are many people who made Jiu-Jitsu famous like , Demi Lovato , Tom Hardy and Keanu Reeves and there are much more. ( I don’t know how to say Keanu Reeves so in the video it might be wrong.

( sorry I know its not really good facts but I was away on Monday so I didn’t have as much time 🥲 )

by the way sorry if this is wrong I didn’t know what to do with the video .. 😿

My Maths for the week!

hey slay bloggers!!

I will be sharing some maths I did this week. this week I’ve been focusing on negative numbers and trying to understand them. the WALT for this week is : understand negative number lines] there were two ways to show negative numbers ( according to my knowledge ) and I will try to explain it: 1. make it mirror basically on the number line and 2. just do it upside down 😸🌷 and I showed that on a number line in the interactive whiteboard Software .  I found this pretty interesting! I actually didn’t know much about negative numbers but Mrs Lee has taught me enough about negative numbers 🙂 .  I didn’t use many brain cells because I think I understood it quite well.  and I needed to put the numbers from 1-10 on the number lines so you could understand what I was doing! and this is it!😍

hope y’all find it slay!! keep slaying out there! 🙂🌷😍

Not just kicking and punching

hello everyone! the book I just read is named not just kicking and punching, its about a boy named Corey learning Jiu-Jitsu. I just did book choices and read with a buddy and all that and I just finished my first create task!! I actually don’t know if I was supposed to do my create task yet but i did cause i had finished reading, this week actually doesn’t have a WALT 😿 . for this create task we had to enter a site and fill in the wheel, there was I wonder, I know, I see , I imagine and I think. and this is what I put in to fill those parts!! hope you guys find it kind of interesting! 🌷😸

it is kind of small so maybe zoom in!! anyway hope you guys like it!!😻🫰

Anne Frank create task 1 and 2!! (combined)

hello bloggers!!! As you can see on the title of this post it is create task 1 and 2 combined but in canvas + some extra facts. actually this is create task 3 but in create task 3 you have go in canvas and write facts and write you create tasks down. for the extra facts I tried finding ones that I hadn’t put on my first or second create task. I found this create task very interesting and enjoyable but I think that we shouldn’t need to add the other create tasks to it because we already blogged them (that’s my opinion on this create task) I hope you guys like how its set out and like the facts. I take quite a long time just to do one create task so have mercy. 🙂

and that’s the end. hope you guys like it!

Research on Anne Frank!!

hello everyone!! for week 4 I’ve been researching about Anne Frank. I found some facts you might not know even if you did Anne Frank for your reading but anyway the WALT for this week is, recognise information to gain an understanding of the text. For create task 2 I had to find 6 facts about the person I was doing and write it on a sheet which I glued in my book.  I tried to find the most interesting and kind of not popular facts about Anne Frank. anyway I will be writing it in because taking a photo is kind of bad, enough of that and here it is! 🙂


fact 1/6: she wrote in her diary during hiding  from 1942 to 1944/ she wrote about   her experiences in Amsterdam,Holland.

fact 2/6: she died when she was 16 in 1945 due to typhus fever.

fact 3/6: Anne had to leave Germany in 1934 because of Hitler.

fact 4/6: her parents were named: (her father) Otto Frank , (her mother) Edith Frank.

fact 5/6: she was burried in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Germany.

fact 6/6: Anne had an older sister named Margot Betti Frank who was born on 16th February 1926.

that’s all the facts I could include because Anne didn’t live a really long life. anyway that’s all I hope you guys found the facts interesting enough!! 🙂

aboriginal art!

hi everyone!! this week – week 4 – for inquiry ( art ) my class is at Mrs lee’s class doing Aboriginal art, I’ve finished it cause i’m speedy and now I  just finished my poster introducing aboriginal art. how you do aboriginal art is kind of easy , you grab a drawing then cut it out and trace it then get paint and dot it like slay. I really enjoyed this art style because its interesting and I enjoyed researching about it , I found some interesting facts! I hope you guys like the facts or how I just genuinely set it out. anyway here it is!!