hello everyone!! for week 4 I’ve been researching about Anne Frank. I found some facts you might not know even if you did Anne Frank for your reading but anyway the WALT for this week is, recognise information to gain an understanding of the text. For create task 2 I had to find 6 facts about the person I was doing and write it on a sheet which I glued in my book.  I tried to find the most interesting and kind of not popular facts about Anne Frank. anyway I will be writing it in because taking a photo is kind of bad, enough of that and here it is! 🙂


fact 1/6: she wrote in her diary during hiding  from 1942 to 1944/ she wrote about   her experiences in Amsterdam,Holland.

fact 2/6: she died when she was 16 in 1945 due to typhus fever.

fact 3/6: Anne had to leave Germany in 1934 because of Hitler.

fact 4/6: her parents were named: (her father) Otto Frank , (her mother) Edith Frank.

fact 5/6: she was burried in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Germany.

fact 6/6: Anne had an older sister named Margot Betti Frank who was born on 16th February 1926.

that’s all the facts I could include because Anne didn’t live a really long life. anyway that’s all I hope you guys found the facts interesting enough!! 🙂

One thought on “Research on Anne Frank!!

  1. Hi Manu I’m also in Ruru for reading and and picked the same person and even though we did do the same person I still found lots of new facts about Anne frank also I really like how you were saying what we had to do and even wrote the WALT [ were did you find it I looked on the senior learning site and couldn’t find it ] I also like how you wrote lots of words for answers I also enjoyed how in your blog post when you talked it felt like
    you knew everyone and make sure too keep slaying the day -Marley your BEsTiE 💅

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